Sunday, April 1, 2012

out of rythm...

i didn't realise just how out of rythm i've been...only 1 blog post for this blog and it was nearly a year ago.
since then the water kefir grains that i had had died...i loved my water kefir while i had it and hope to order some more...i'm working at incorporating my consistancy in my daily and weekly rythms and will be updating the blog more regularly as a result.
right now i've been focussed on cleaning my home and decluttering my space and my life. i've also been cleaning my eating habbits and cleansing my's's a natural time of year for such things.
i once wrote a poem about the rythm of life/the sacred heart beat of the earth, and something has occured to me...that in this day of technology and over stimulation and people just going through motions/not really connecting to the earth that we can easily loose that rythm and forget to honor how sacred it is.
rythm can be a tricky thing...once you fall out of it it can take awhile to realise that your rythm is a bit off, but if you just take a minute to pay attention to the beat it is easy to get back into that steady flow...i'll be back with a post soon (still working out a good posting schedual).